
About Us

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We’re a mixed bunch! From babies to grandparents, from different backgrounds and life circumstances, including a network of Persian believers. We believe we all benefit from experiencing a rich community where people from all walks of life can share and grow together.

As a church, we are part of the Uniting Church  of Australia. We are part of the Generate Presbytery in South Australia and members of the Propel Network.

Our Beliefs

  • God is Love, one God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – three distinct persons who are eternally existent in loving communion with each other.
  • The Bible is the word of God – God-inspired and the infallible witness to Jesus Christ. It reveals the plan and purpose of God for the whole creation. It instructs our daily living, our eternal hope and teaches us the way of life in Jesus Christ.
  • All humanity has rebelled against God and is enslaved to sin and the fear of death (the penalty for sin). Jesus came as the ‘second Adam’ to redeem all humanity by taking the penalty of sin for us and so to save us. As one with humanity, he died; he rose again and has ascended into heaven. All people are called to believe in him for there is no eternal life apart from faith in him. Jesus now sits as the perfect human being and Son of God who rules and serves the church.
  • The Church is the body of people from every nation, those now living and those who have died, who have faith in Jesus Christ. Both corporately and individually, the Church bears witness to the love of God in Jesus Christ, using the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit in her for God’s service in the world.
  • The Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, witnesses to Jesus Christ and has a mandate to love one another, preach the forgiveness of sins and make disciples of all nations.
  • All of creation was made for worship. True worship will be the natural response only when we are in communion with God.
  • We believe Jesus will return to inaugurate a new heaven and new earth. He will come to judge the living and the dead. Those who believe in him will rise to life and share in the glorious freedom of the new creation; those who have not believed will rise to condemnation and judgement.

Our Vision

Our mission at CoroUniting is to be A People Focused on Jesus, living and sharing God’s good news, worshiping, building each other up, demonstrating God’s justice, and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to others.

As we do this, we

  • worship God together
  • build one another up
  • demonstrate God’s justice
  • disciple others towards faith
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