Coro Young Adults
Young Adults runs every Sunday from 6.30pm, and is for adults from 18-30yo.
We normally meet at the church and have a variety of events from worship nights, content nights, social nights, and free dinner nights!
Our aim is to provide a strong Christian community for our young adults to meet, to be discipled and to disciple one another. The group is comprised from a variety of churches, and we intend for this to be a place where everyone can be encouraged and then go back and serve in their own churches. You don’t have to attend Coro to be a part of our community.
The ministry is led by our youth and young adults pastor Jethro, and the young adults leadership team, who are always open to hearing ideas or suggestions for future content.
If you’re a young adult and would like more information, you can ask to join our Facebook page ‘Coro Young Adults’, email Jethro at jethro@corouniting.org, or get someone who already attends to add you to the group. We’d love to have you along!