

One of the privileges of belonging to a church community is the opportunity to share in what Paul calls this “grace of giving” (2 Corinthians 8:3-7). It’s a great way to feel connected with the practical work of the church and we believe that as we honour God in this key area of our lives, our own needs are met in sometimes quite miraculous ways.

Click on the headings below to see how you can give to Coro Uniting Church.

Giving by EFT

Giving by EFT allows automatic payments to be set up from your bank account to the church’s bank account. Each payment can be either one time or recurring.

The church operates two bank accounts to ensure privacy for those who regularly give.

When giving towards the church’s ministry, please use the following bank account:

  • BSB: 805 007
  • Account Number: 00 706 438
  • Account Name: Coromandel Valley Uniting Church in Australia
  • Banking Institution: Credit Union SA

When paying for a particular course or camp, please use the following bank account:

  • BSB: 704 095
  • Account Number: 214431
  • Account Name: Coromandel Valley Uniting
  • Banking Institution: UC Invest
  • Reference: ID-surname (where ID is a meaningful reference for the payment, eg. ‘WomCamp’ for Women’s Camp etc.)
Giving via card payments

For those who wish to give via debit/credit card payments, you may do so in person on Sunday mornings, or by using the online giving portal below. If you are giving in person, we have a card reader near the coffee machine.

Note that there are fees associated with payments made through this method; hence our preferred method is giving via EFT.

Online Giving

If you wish to give to Coro Uniting via an online payment with your credit or debit card, you may do so with the payment portal below. If you are giving towards a specific event (e.g. mainly music sessions), please choose the appropriate donation reference from the dropdown menu.

The online checkout is securely processed by our Square payment processor.

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Donation Reference:
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