Coro’s Life Groups are open for any to attend. who are looking for regular support and spiritual care from a local community.

Life Groups
Life Groups are an integral part of the life of our church. Each group has its own flavour, however they all aim to encourage their members in faith and support each other as they do life together. As such, we encourage everyone to belong to a Life Group wherever possible – it is one of the main ways of connecting with others and finding a place to belong.
There are several different groups that meet throughout the week, some for men, some for women and others mixed.
Interested in joining a Life Group?
Have a chat with Simon Dent, or email the church office at
Coro’s Life Groups are varied in how they run, but they all have the same purpose: to encourage their members in faith and support each other as they do life together. This may include sharing God’s Word together, participating in Bible studies, doing social activities, and spending time together.
Please speak with our senior pastor, Simon Dent, either in person or via email at, or email the church office at